Start Your Nudge Kids Journey Right: The MUST-DO First Step

Learn how to get started with Nudge Kids with a ‘Kickoff Chat’

Prior to having your child execute tasks on the Nudge Kids app, you must have this Nudge Kids Kickoff Chat. This chat will prepare your child for success by setting clear expectations of what is expected of them and what they can expect with Nudge Kids.

This chat must happen during a quiet moment. A quiet moment means a moment:

  • where you are not rushing to or from an activity.

  • where you or your child are not emotional – such as angry, frustrated, or tired.

  • where you are not distracted by other events – such as work, paying bills, making dinner, etc.

  • that is not within two hours of bedtime.

This should be an intentional moment purely dedicated to going over the rules and expectations for Nudge Kids. The thought of this chat may feel hard and will take a long time, but it will likely take only 5 minutes and will set you and your family up for success!

Follow these step-by-step instructions for the Kickoff Chat:

  1. We (mommy/daddy) want to help you to make good choices and to be successful.

  2. So, we are going to use the Nudge Kids app to remind you of what you need to get done.

  3. If you can finish a task on your Nudge Kids list by following the Golden Rule, you will earn point(s) towards a REWARD.

  4. The Golden Rule is completing the task after we (mommy/daddy) asks you once to do the task OR if you do it independently (all by yourself without us asking!).

    You can pause here and ask if they have any questions. Continue if they have no questions other than what rewards they can earn.

  5. And you get to pick the REWARDS, isn’t that exciting?!

  6. So, the things that you asked mommy/daddy for you can now earn and have control over the rewards that you want. Like extra screen time. An extra snack. Isn’t that great?!

  7. For you to be successful we are going to go over the list and if you have questions or if you would like a demonstration, then we could do that together.  I want you to be successful and for you to be able to earn your rewards, so you need to know how to do things.

  8. Do you have any questions before we go over each task?


Once all questions have been answered continue by going over each task you have assigned them. Below is an example.


Here is an example if you choose to review the Bedtime Routine with your child:

On our app, we have the following “Bedtime Routine”:

  • Establishing a predictable, bedtime routine and clear expectations can help children feel more secure and reduce difficulties during bedtime. 

  • Bedtime Routine - the parent uses the “Golden Rule” of 1 verbal prompt by saying, “it is 7:30 PM time to start your bedtime routine.” (Parents need to pick an age-appropriate bedtime and stick to it without variability for at least the first 2 weeks, best to do it for 30 days straight).

For this example, the bedtime is 7:30 pm.

  • Text in BLACK BOLD is the task on the child’s Nudge Kids list.

  • Text in ORANGE is what you are explaining to your child.

  1. At 7:30pm puts away activity and begins bedtime routine, such as going to the bathroom. Starting tonight at 7:30 I will say put away your activity and then we will start the bedtime routine. When I say it “one time” and you put away your toys/books/activity and go to the bathroom, then you will get “one point” towards your reward because I said it ONLY one time. 

  2. Brushes their teeth. When we get to the bathroom and I say, “would you like to pick 1 or 2 minutes on the timer?” Once you pick 1 or 2 minutes you cannot change it. The timer will be set, and once the timer rings you completed brushing your teeth, you will get “one point”.

  3. Wash their face. Then you will wash your face. If you do this automatically after you brush your teeth or if I remind you “one time”, then you get “one point” after you’re done washing your face.

  4. Changes into pajamas. You will change into your pajamas after I remind you “one time” to “change into your pajamas” then you will get “one point”. If you do it without my asking once you get a point as well.

  5. Pick one book to read with your parents. You will pick one book to read. Once I asked you “one time” to pick one book or if you pick one book on your own then you will get “one time”.

  6. Tell your parents you are ready. Once you tell mommy/daddy, you are ready, and you get into bed with the book then you will get “one point”.

  7. Read one book (do not ask for another). We will read only one book/story. This means no asking for another story. If you would like to read more books, we can that before we begin our bedtime routine at 7:30 PM. We could read after dinner. We could read after school. But during the bedtime routine, it is only one book/story, if you ask for another book/story, then you will not get “one point” towards your reward.

  8. Give mom/dad one hug and one kiss. I will give you one hug and one kiss. During bedtime routine, I will only give you one kiss and one hug and then you will go to bed. If you ask for another hug or another kiss, you will not earn 1 point. You can get as many hugs and kisses throughout the day, and before the bedtime routine at 7:30.

  9. Tucked in and lights out. You will get one point if there is no talking after this.

  10. Do not get out of bed or no more talking until the morning. No more talking, no getting out of bed until the morning then you get one point unless there is an emergency. (Parents need to remember the rules as well without talking to their children during the bedtime routine. You must be a good role model and follow the rules.)

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