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  • Start Your Nudge Kids Journey Right: The MUST-DO First Step

    Learn how to get started with Nudge Kids with a ‘Kickoff Chat’

  • 3 Changes to Expect in Your Child After 2 Weeks with Nudge

    Learn what Nudge can do for your child!

  • Why You Should Only Reward Your Child With Nudge?

    And the problem with randomly rewarding your children.

  • How Will Nudge Create More Positive Interactions With My Child?

    Hint: The Golden Rule

  • 5 Tips to Help You Get Through The First 2 Weeks

    You’ve downloaded the app. Now what? Follow this guide to get started on your Nudge journey.

  • Tired of Time Consuming & Stressful Interactions With Your Child?

    Learn How Nudge Kids Can Give You & Your Family Time Back In Your Day!

  • How to Make Rewards Work For Your Family!

    What the Nudge Kids reward system is and is NOT

  • How Nudge Kids Cultivates Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem, and Self-Motivation in Your Child?

    Learn the power of locus of control in your child’s development.

  • Getting Back Into the School Routine? Let Nudge Kids Lend a Hand!

    Settle back into a routine with your children as they go back to school.

  • Why are Routines Crucial for Your Child's Growth?

    Learn How Routines Can Reduce Your Child’s Anxiety

  • Your Ultimate Back to School Guide Part 1

    Tips for a stress-free transition!

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