Tired of Time Consuming & Stressful Interactions With Your Child?

Learn How Nudge Kids Can Give You & Your Family Time Back In Your Day!

Parenting is the hardest job on Earth. It takes a great deal of patience, ingenuity, energy, and time. There never seems to be enough hours in the day, especially as a working parent.

These interactions may seem familiar to you:

  • “I am not going to say this again (after the 5th time), put your toys away and start your homework.”

  • “This is the 10th time I am telling you to turn off your game and come down for dinner.”

  • “I don’t want to hear it anymore, stop whining and get ready for bed”

  • “Why is your backpack not packed? We talked about this last night. I am going to be late for work.”

All these interactions are a big time suck (e.g. repeating the same requests over and over and before you I know it 30/60 min have passed with no change) and also very stressful for you and your child.

Nudge Kids aims to tackle these time consuming and stressful interaction with our task system. Once your child learns how to complete a task and it is placed on their task list, your child is able to complete it independently, or with one nudge/one verbal prompt. Thereby reducing the amount of time that you have to repeatedly tell your child what you do, how to do it, and when to do it. The more successful your child is in completing the task on the Nudge list, the more time is saved and can be used in more enjoyable activities, such as spending quality time interacting with your child.

Here are some interactions to expect after implementing the Nudge Kids system:

  • Your child completes their bedtime routine (e.g. brush their teeth, change to their pajamas etc.) after one prompt or independently. And now you have time for not 1, but 2 bedtime stories with your child - real quality time.

  • You leave your house each morning to drop you child at school and head to work at the same time each day. This is because your child has learned to prepare their backpack the night before and is ready to go in the morning.

  • You can finally see your living room floor because once your child is done playing with their toys they put them away instead of leaving them scattered across the floor

  • When your child gets home from school, they know they have an hour break before they get started on their homework. No more nagging for them to complete their homework, you know it will get done.

This will give you and your family time back in your day to have room for more meaningful and positive interactions with your child.

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